Tuesday 21 April 2009

Stoof the dog ? - 20.4.2009

Yesterday we had to say "Good bye" to our beloved little dog. He had been our friend and companion for almost nine years. Occasionally bullied by the cats and loved by every one who met him he was a dog of exceptional character.
He had taken us on great journeys during his life with us, and there is now a small yorkshire terrier shaped hole in our lives.
He was a small dog with a big heart (literally as it turned out). He had an amazing sense of humour and gave us unconditional and sometimes undeserved love and devotion.
Nigel and I are in the mercurial spasms of grief - going from laughter to tears in seconds. Trying to remember the walks, the holidays and the people that we shared with him. Sometime soon we'll share those memories but at the moment they feel so precious that we are holding on to them for ourselves.
The house misses him, I think that the cats even miss him and I can truly say that he has changed our lives forever - in his coming, his being with us and his going. We will never forget him.

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